Research Summary

Since 2012 I am a member of the laboratory of prof. Margarida D. Amaral, at the Faculty of Science University of Lisboa (FCUL), and am actively involved in the field of Cystic Fibrosis (CF). My research focuses in understanding the regulation of the intracellular traffic of CFTR, the protein involved in cystic fibrosis. Using cell and molecular biology tools I aim at generating knowledge which will leverage the development of novel and effective therapeutic drugs for CF patients. For this purpose, I have specialized in cell biology, membrane trafficking and high throughput microscopy at EMBL Heidelberg (DE) by visiting the Advanced Light Microscopy facility from 2012-2013, within the scope of collaborative efforts with the laboratory of Dr. Rainer Pepperkok.

I am currently involved in performing high content siRNA-based screening in CF cellular models at near genomic scale. I am also actively engaged in the development of high-throughput microscopy screening assays, automated image analysis routines (ImageJ, CellProfiler) and data science analysis (R, Python).

I am the manager of BioISI's High-Throughput Screening Facility, a research infrasturecture for spectroscopy- and image-based screening. I am in charge of supporting academic and corporate users in screening projects focused on drug discovery or functional genomics (siRNA screening), bioimage analysis, data processing and data storage. I am also co-responsible for FCUL's Microscopy Facility.


  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • High Content Screening
  • Microscopy
  • Bioimage analysis
  • Biomedicine
  • Drug development
  • Cell Biology
  • RNAi
  • Functional genomics
  • Software development
  • Data science
  • Core Facility management

Public Research Outputs