European Study Groups with Industry in Portugal

European Study Groups with Industry originated in the UK in 1968 under the name Oxford Study Groups with Industry. The concept has, since then, been adopted in other countries and study groups have become a well established institution and the leading workshop for interaction between Mathematics and Industry in Europe. Besides being a source for new problems in Mathematics, study groups also function as a privileged ground for the transfer of mathematical technology between University and Industry.

Detailed information on study groups and related aspects is available at the International Study Groups website, the Smith Institute and the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry. Two recent articles about study groups may be found in the December 2008 edition of the CIM bulletin and in the March 2009 edition of SIAM News.

ESGIs in Portugal:

Porto meetings on Mathematics for Industry In parallel to this we have also been organizing a three-day workshop centred around short courses given by experts in Industrial Mathematics: