
Fully Automatic Crystallization Reactor

This apparatus (CB1) allows the determination of solid-liquid phase diagrams, by evaluating, in a fully automatic way, the solubility curves and metastable zone widths for a given solvent-solute system. In addition, it also allows the investigation of crystallization induction times. Details about this apparatus can be found elsewhere.


Video Microscopy Based Crystallization Reactor

This apparatus operates similarly to the fully automatic crystallization reactor described above. However, it uses a 10 times smaller reactor (10 mL against the 100 mL of the CB1 reactor). Besides using a turbidity sensing-based system allows capturing of live images of the investigated samples.


System For Monitorization of Metabolic Activity

This device was designed to investigate the metabolic activity in biological media, and it has been in use to investigate fermentation. It contains several sensors (e.g. ethanol, CO2, pH), allowing the evaluation of the metabolic activity, while determining at the same time, the microbian population size.


Calorimetric Cell for Dissolution Processes

This cell was designed to determine the enthalpy of solution, associated with dissolution processes. This cell (right) is designed to be operated in an LKB 2277 Thermal Activity Monitor (left), allowing the determination of extremely and precise enthalpies of dissolution.