Publicações em

Ecologia marinha e pescas

Gomes, MC. 1982. Portuguese tuna catch and effort statistics. ICCAT Collective Volume Scientific Papers 17(2):23-34. PDF

Azevedo, MM e MC Gomes. 1985. A pesca do atum patudo, Thunnus obesus, em águas portuguesas. Relatórios do INIP 46, 51 pp.

Gomes, MC e MM Azevedo. 1985. A pesca do atum rabil (atum do Algarve), Thunnus thynnus, em águas portuguesas. Relatórios do INIP 45, 54 pp.

Azevedo, MM and MC Gomes. 1986. Bluefin fishery in the Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone. ICCAT Collective Volume Scientific Papers 24(1): 118-129 PDF

Gomes, M, R. Haedrich, and J Rice. 1992. Biogeography of groundfish assemblages on the Grand Bank. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Science 14:13-27. PDF

Gomes, MC and RL Haedrich. 1992. Predicting community dynamics from food web structure. pp. 277-294 In G. T. Rowe and V. Pariente (eds.) Deep-Sea Food Chains and the Global Carbon Cycle. Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

Gomes, MC. 1992. Introdução à Avaliação de Recursos. Assoc. Estuds. da F.C.L., Lisboa. 78 p.

Gomes, MC. 1993. Predictions Under Uncertainty. Fish Assemblages and Food Webs on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. ISER Books, St. John's, Nfld., Canada, 220 pp.

Haedrich, R, M Villagarcia, and M Gomes. 1994. Scale of Marine Protected Areas on Newfoundland Continental Shelf. pp. 48-53, In J.H.M. Willison et al. (eds.) Science and Management of Protected Areas. McGill-Queen's Press.

Belo, A, M Gomes, and R Haedrich. 1994. Spatial autocorrelation and abundance estimation of Atlantic cod and American plaice on the northern Newfoundland Shelf. VIII Congress of the European Society of Ictiology, Sep, 25 - Oct, 2 in Oviedo, Spain.

Gomes, MC, RL Haedrich, and MG Villagarcia. 1995. Spatial and temporal changes in the groundfish assemblages on the northeast Newfoundland/Labrador Shelf, Northwest Atlantic, 1978-1991. Fisheries Oceanography 4:85-101.

Gomes, MC. 1995. Palmeta: Uma população em declínio no Atlântico Noroeste. O Biólogo 31/32:2-6

Gomes, MC and E Serrão. 1997. Spatial patterns of groundfish assemblages on the continental shelf of Portugal. ICES Working Group of Ecosystem Effects of Fisheries Activities. Work. Doc. 10, Copenhaga 24 Nov - 2 Dez 1997.

Gomes, MC 1997. Distribuição espacial de recursos demersais no Atlântico Norte: Motivações e resultados. Actas da 16ª Semana das Pescas, Horta, Açores, 10-14 Março 1997

Gomes, MC, E Serrão, and Borges MF. 2001. Spatial patterns of groundfish assemblages on the continental shelf of Portugal. ICES Journal of Marine Science 58: 633-647. PDF

Sousa, P, MM Azevedo, and MC Gomes. 2005. Demersal assemblages off Portugal: mapping, seasonal and temporal patterns. Fiheries Research 75:120-137. PDF

Sousa, P, M Azevedo, and MC Gomes. 2006. Species-richness patterns in space, depth, and time (1989-1999) of the Portuguese fauna sampled by bottom trawl. Aquatic Living Resources, 19(2):93-103 PDF

Sousa, P, M Azevedo, MC Gomes. 2006. Searching for common diversity trends in the deep demersal assemblage off Portugal, 1989-99: An essay with dynamic factor analysis. INAF Studia 9(5): 73-90. PDF

Sousa, P, RT Lemos, MC Gomes, and M Azevedo. 2007. Analysis of horse mackerel, blue whiting, and hake catch data from Portuguese surveys data (1989–1999) using an integrated GLM approach. Aquatic Living Resources, 20(2):105-116 PDF



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